Program Committee

  • Divesh Aggarwal, NUS, Singapore
  • Xavier Boyen, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
  • Chris Charnes, Institut für Angewandte Physik - Theorie, TU Darmstadt, Germany
  • Nicolas Courtois, University College London, United Kingdom
  • Ronald Cramer, CWI, Netherlands
  • Andrzej Dąbrowski, University of Szczecin, Poland
  • Gerhard Frey, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • Faruk Gologlu, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic
  • Louis Goubin, University of Versailles, France
  • Aline Gouget, Gemalto, France
  • Antoine Joux (co-chair), Fondation SU, IMJ, France
  • Arjen Lenstra, EPFL, Switzerland
  • Jerzy Kaczorowski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland
  • Mieczysław Kula, University of Silesia, Poland
  • Alexander May, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
  • Ariane Mézard, Institut de Mathématiques de Jussieu, France
  • Giacomo Micheli, Oxford University, UK
  • Andrew Odlyzko, University of Minnesota, USA
  • Alina Ostafe, University of New South Wales, Australia
  • Andrzej Paszkiewicz, Military University of Technology Warsaw, Poland
  • Jerzy Pejaś, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Poland
  • Rene Peralta, NIST, USA
  • Josef Pieprzyk, Data61, CSIRO, Sydney, Australia and Institute of Computer Science, PAN, Warsaw, Poland
  • Jacek Pomykała (co-chair), University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Olivier Ramaré, Aix Marseille Université , France
  • Piotr Sapiecha, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  • Igor Shparlinski, University of New South Wales, Australia
  • Mariusz Skałba, University of Warsaw, Poland
  • Janusz Szmidt, Military Communication Institute, Zegrze, Poland
  • Frederik Vercauteren, KU Leuven, ESAT/COSIC, Belgium
  • Vanessa Vitse, Université Grenoble Alpes, France
  • Christine van Vredendaal, Eindhoven, Netherlands
  • Huaxiong Wang, NTU, Singapore
  • Chaoping Xing, NTU, Singapore
  • Bartosz Źrałek, University of Warsaw, Poland

27/07/2024 7:11:01

General Information



NutMiC 2019 is supported by the European Union's H2020 Program under grant agreement number ERC-669891


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